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So far, this page contains Researcher-Provided Information in the categories of REUNIONS and WEEKLY COMMUNITY NEWS.

From the “Morrow County Sentinel”, September 7, 1905
Submitted by Sharon Ling

Sixty members of the Appleman family held their first reunion at the home of J. A. Appleman, two and a half miles east of Bloominggrove, Thursday, Aug. 24th. Many of the friends had not met for years. The morning hours were therefore happily spent in greetings and hand-shakings. At noon all gathered around tables arranged upon the lawn and partook of a most bountiful dinner. After dinner the company was called to order for the purpose of effecting a permanent organization. The necessary business was transacted and a literary and musical program was enjoyed. Recitations were given by Misses Bertha Marshman, Emma Woods, Grace Appleman and Smith Woods. Several musical selections were rendered by Misses Anna and Mamie Dickerson.

By request, Mrs. Ross gave a fine recitation. After singing a hymn the company adjourned to meet at the home of P.M. Woods, the last Thurs. in August, 1906.

Those present from a distance were: Ross Shreve and wife, Shreveport; Mr. and Mrs. Hilton, Perryville; Mr. and Mrs. Birch, Mrs. Lucinda Woods, A. Appleman and wife, of Mansfield; Mr. and Mrs. Carper, Johnsville; Mr. and Mrs. Scarbrough and daughter, Othoro; Mrs. Edith Hall, Iberia; Wesley Maines and wife, Galion; Mrs. Mary Robinson, Tyro; Mrs. J. R. Appleman, St. Louis, Mo.

The Appleman family is one of the few old families who have continued to own and occupy the land purchased from the government, by their ancestors. S.B. and J.S. Appleman, have in their possession deeds granting to James Appleman certain lands which are described as “Part of the land known as the Beech Woods”. James Appleman, son of Jacob Appleman and Jane Harris Appleman, was born in Washington County, Pa. When a young man he emigrated to Stark Co.; then following the advice of his maternal uncle, Stephen Harris, “Go west and buy land.” He came to Bloomfield township, then Richland County. He was soon joined by his three brothers and two sisters. Two brothers and the two sisters afterward moved to Lagrange County, Ind., where their families are still located. The other brother settled in Wayne County. Four of these families were represented at the reunion. The farm where the reunion was held is historic ground, having originally been purchased by James Harris, father of Bishop Wm. L. Harris of Methodist fame. The beautiful modern home whose hospitality was so much enjoyed on this occasion stands upon the same spot as did the small frame house which was the birthplace of that truly great man.

From the “Morrow County Sentinel”, September 8, 1910
Submitted by Sharon Ling

The twentieth annual reunion of the Hartpence family was held at the home of George Linn, September 3rd. There being fifty-nine present. Those from a distance were Mrs. Lizzie Shepherd, of Greenville, H. B. Hartpence, of Marion. The visitors were Rev. Sears and wife, Miss Lula Burtnett, Mrs. Mattie Graham and son, Mrs. Mary Linn and Mr. Brewer. The forenoon was spent in greeting friends and at noon dinner was served at the table on the lawn. After dinner a program was rendered followed by the election of officers and the place of holding the next reunion is at the home of E.E. Cooper, the first Saturday in September, 1911.


Note: For many years, and to this day, “The Sentinel” (one of Morrow County’s two weekly newspapers) has had “reporters” in the various communities in the county who would report each week on the events of that area – often including such details as who visited whom.

From the “Morrow County Sentinel”, June 1910
Submitted by Sharon Ling

The Children’s Day exercises will be held at the M.E. Church, Sunday evening, June 26th.
On account of the rain Saturday the festival was not very well attended.
J.B. Gartner and his wife returned from Delaware, where they attended the commencement exercises of their son, Leonard, who is a graduate of O.W.U.
Miss Waneda Richardson will attend the summer school at Ada, Ohio.
Quite a few from this vicinity attended the children’s day exercises at Steam Corners, Sunday evening.

From the “Morrow County Sentinel”, July 7, 1910
Submitted by Sharon Ling

Samuel Garret, of this place, was seriously injured by falling from a ladder while picking cherries near Lexington.
Frank Marshman has for the last few days, been suffering from rheumatism.
John Armstrong of Iberia, was the guest of G. W. Marshman on Wednesday.
Mrs. Cramer, of Mansfield, is visiting S. B. Appleman and wife for a few days.
Ida Erwin of Mansfield, has been the guest of C.F.Turner the last few days.
Floyd Marshman will move into the Caton house, and work for Ben Stevens this summer.
The Woman’s Home Missionary Society meets at the home of Mrs. Geo Baggs on Thursday afternoon.
The special School district held their Fourth of July celebration in the school yard, Monday evening.
The annual Emig Reunion was held at the N.C. Emig home, at Westpoint one day last week; a very pleasant and social time was spent. There were over 100 present.
Willie Williams and Fred Emig of near Westpoint, spent from Saturday until Monday with relatives in Marion and Galion.

From the “Morrow County Sentinel”, September 8, 1910
Submitted by Sharon Ling

T.M. Davis and wife started for Wisconsin on Sunday afternoon. They will visit the gentlemen’s sick brother.
Stanley Cramer has gone to Ada, where he will attend school this term.
Miss Waneda Richardson has returned home from Ada, where she attended the summer school.
J.B. Gartner and wife made a trip to Bucyrus on Saturday.
Ivan Price, wife and son, of Galion were the guests of A.H. Evans and wife on Sunday.
Floyd Marshman and wife were the guests of Ray Garverick and wife, of near Williamsport on Sunday.
Merl Davis, entertained a gentleman friend from Pennsylvania last week.

From the “Morrow County Sentinel”, September 28, 1911
Submitted by Sharon Ling

Mrs. W.V. Dickerson who has been ill for the past week is improving some at present.
Mr. Finnie who had a stroke a few days ago is improving very nicely.
O.L.Dudley and wife left for Idaho on Tuesday; they expect to remain there a few weeks visiting friends.
Stanley Cramer and lady friend Miss Jones of Delphos, visited the gentleman’s parents a part of last week.
Al Carlin and just finished drilling a well in the school yard; the depth drilled was 50 feet.
Dan Marshman of Galion spent a day last week in the village.
Bertha Marshman and friend Mr. Heidlebaugh, Mr. Floyd Appleman and lady friend Miss Gattner, with their friends Mr. Bear and Miss Heidlebaugh spent Sunday in Casino Park at Mansfield.

From the “Morrow County Sentinel”, May 7, 1911
Submitted by Sharon Ling

Born to Floyd Marshman and wife, a son, William Wilson. Mrs. Marshman was formerly Miss Tamar Scarbrough.
Glenn Smith and wife spent Sunday with the lady’s sister, Mrs. Sherman Clark, at Climax.
Wm Goldsmith’s entertained company Sunday.
Marie Meckly spent Sunday with Bertha Marshman.

From the “Morrow County Sentinel”, June 1910
Submitted by Sharon Ling

Born-To E.D. Meckley and wife, a daughter. To Alley Haldeman and wife, a son. To Guy Turner and wife, a son . . . . . . Wm. Worthington, who has been visiting near our burg, is now on his way to Iowa . . . . Lester Lutz and two of his brothers are very sick at the present time . . . . The Children’s Day exercises will be held at the M.E. church next sunday evening, June 19th . . . . The Sextet of this place, sang at the Congress township Patterson Commencement, last Saturday evening . . . Miss Odessa Stull and brother, Roscoe, of Mansfield, visited at S.P. Stull’s last week . . . . Mrs. Myrtle Slater and children of Akron, visited the lady’s mother, Mrs. Brown, the past week . . . Prof. Rummel, wife and son, Robert, of St. Clairsville, Ohio, were the guests of the gentleman’s sister, Mrs. S.P. Stull, last Thursday . . . . John Wolfe is slowly improving . . . . . Mrs. Hilton is improving as fast as we can expect.
The Troy township teachers for the coming year are as follows: Inez Stull, Craleys; Hazel Wirick, Walters; Earle Bowman, Steam Corners; Grace Parks, Pleasant Valley; E.D. Meckly, Jug’s Corners; Prof. C.O. Higgins, the High school . . . . We are glad to learn of Orrie Meckley’s success. He has been hired as a teacher at Iberia.
The Patterson Commencement of North Bloomfield and Troy township, will be held at the German Lutheran church next Friday evening, June 17th.


This OHGenWeb site has been provided by volunteers of the Morrow County Chapter of the Ohio Genealogical Society since 1997. ©1997-2007 by Patricia Coté Grogg – All rights reserved. This site may be freely linked to but not duplicated in any fashion without written consent. Last updated:
Friday, 11-May-2007 08:54:06 MDT